There is a place inside all of us that remembers the sound of horse hooves thundering across the steppe, there is a place that knows the morning hum of an old time village, and there is an inner homelands that lives across time and through generations regardless of current circumstances. Myth Club offers gatherings that call upon our ancient knowing and brings it forward to meet the beauty and mystery within our ancestral stories.
Stephanie's gatherings are a deep dive into the hidden layers of knowledge and wisdom that all our ancient stories carry. For spiritual guidance in todays world, we need not look beyond our own heritage, we simply can look to the old stories that keep our souls alive. As settlers on this land, we recognize the importance of searching within our own origins for a culture worth living for, that we may come to the table of reconciliation free from the hunger of spiritual poverty.
Myths are seed jars, waiting to be opened….ancestral seed savers. They are ancient indwelling stories that we rarely recognize as part of our lives anymore, yet they can guide us through harrowing times. Myths come from our ancestral beginnings, from every culture, and have been a guiding light for the people throughout time. These stories as they exist today still carry the vestiges of old wisdom that are at the very heart of life. They are our guides as we navigate the deep heart of our global and personal unfolding.
If you love stories, if you love land-based knowledge, and if you have a spiritual longing in your heart, come and join us as we journey into the realm of myth and soul.
"Myth Club is the warm feeling of gathering around a campfire with kindred souls. Stephanie leads the group with a deft and gentle hand, carrying deep insights into the myth, and welcoming us to speak what is moving in us. It's never long before our circle is diving deep into layers of time and being: an ocean within what seemed to be a simple old tale."
-Theodore Lowry
I have been listening to your feedback, and I love what I'm hearing. You have helped me envision the next step for Mythology Club. Here it is!
This year's offerings will be by registration only and will occur in mult-session sets. During the fall and winter, we will gather in a small cohort to dive deep into the teachings of select stories. The intention of this program is to allow more space and time for each story, while also creating a strong container within the group.
I have often heard from folks that attend Mythology Club, that they would like more teachings and more guidance on how to keep the teachings alive at home. This is exactly what we will enter into this year. Additionally, our cohorts will be the same from session to session, offering the opportunity to spread a story over multiple sessions and to create a container for deeper sharing with each other.
**Note: Equity pricing is available. If you have financial barriers to attending, reduced rates are available. Please email me to inquire.
Dates: Feb 8 and Mar 8
Time: 1-5pm
Location: James Way, Gabriola
Cost: $130 (Includes both dates)
Dates: Feb 15 and Mar 15
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Lila Music and Nature Centre, Duncan
Cost: $130 (Includes both dates)
Dates: Jan 11 and Feb 22
Time: 1-5pm
Location: Fairfield, Victoria
Cost: $130 (Includes both dates)
Yes! It's truly happening. Mythology Club is going online.
After much consideration, and encouragement from my community, I have decided to offer a few select Myth Club session online. Now that I have said yes, I am so excited for the connections that these offerings will open up.
A session will follow the rhythm of a standard Myth Club gathering, with an opening, deep time in the story, and then some reflections at the end.
Dates: Feb 1 and Mar 1
Time: 10am-12:30pm, PT
Location: Online via Zoom
Cost: $35 per session